Tänään haluaisin tarjota teille luettavaksi henkilökohtaisen idolini, muusikko & awesome human being FKA twigsin eli Tahliah Debrett Barnettin haastattelun.
Twigsin musiikillinen tuotanto on järisyttävän erinomaista ja nainen vaikuttaa myös kaikin puolin aivan über coolilta ihmiseltä.
No koska esim.:
"I was a youth worker for like two or three years, then the government cut the funding, so I got sacked, basically.
I was really upset, because that was my job! I wanted to be an art therapist, I wanted to work with youth and work in the social sector. When it stopped, it was devastating, but it also made me realize I could do things myself, on my own terms. I can dress how I like and make the music that I like, and I can produce it if I want to. I can be a video director as well. I can do all these things."
"I don’t really believe in being lonely. I believe in being alone, but if you’re lonely, that’s just bringing some extra emotions into it. Loneliness is self-indulgent. There’s always something to do when you’re alone."
"Something else I’ve learned, though, is that you can’t please everybody. Not everyone is gonna find you attractive! I’m not the most beautiful girl in the world—I’m just not, and I’m never gonna be, and I don’t even know how to help you with that!"
"Another thing I want to talk to you about is this idea of learning. Basically, you have to keep on learning—it will distract you from all the bullshit that we’re talking about. Two years ago, I couldn’t produce [music]; I learned how to do it in literally two years. I found it really difficult to program when I started, then I had this leap of confidence to actually get in front of the computer and learn how to do it. It was a massive challenge, because I am not a very logical person at all. It’s about facing your fears. If you do that, you realize that you can actually do anything you want to do! It’s been the most liberating experience."
"I’m so happy as well, because I’m not crying about stupid shit! I’m busy, I’m doing things, and it’s an amazing feeling. If someone’s stupid or someone’s mean, I’m just like, OK, love and light, go what you need to do, I’m busy! It feels amazing to be this way."
Lue koko haastattelu täältä:
I Can Do All These Things: An Interview With FKA Twigs. On not listening to what anyone else has to say and doing whatever the hell you want!
Collage by FKA twigs
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